Almondale Academy is family-owned and family oriented. Families love being involved in the school and meet often through the many activities and field trips.
Join Our PTA
Almondale Academy works collaboratively with its families. The parents meet at the beginning of the year to decide how often, setting the year’s schedule for the PTA meetings, and the agenda. Some of the changes parents have brought to the school has been activities days such as “Trunk or Treat” for Halloween, “Turkey Trot” a fun run for funds, Easter activities, and suggestions for field trips.
Family Events
Join in the fun at our many family events!
We believe that collaboration generates creativity and synergy. We have very active parent involvement whose suggestions are acted upon. This includes a parent club along with family nights throughout the year. Below are just some of the events and activities we do.
Field Trips: Parents are always welcome to join us! They can serve as docents for their child's class, sharing expertise in various fields such as working with the hearing impaired, police work, music, and art. However, the most beloved activities are our field trips. Parents can simply drive their children, but those who also transport other students enjoy complimentary admission to the activity. Please inquire at the office regarding necessary documentation for drivers.
Camping Trips: Parents are not only welcomed but encouraged to join us on our camping trips throughout the year. Our end-of-the-year camping trip is a “Family camping trip” where a group site is rented and all families are invited to come.
Harvest Festival: Parents love hosting a table or directing a game in the many activities suggested by and directed by parents and staff.
Thanksgiving Feast: All enjoy the sumptuous feast baked and cooked by the students and Mrs. Bellocci. All dishes are made from scratch, no shortcuts here!
Christmas Play and Potluck: All the families and extended members come together to enjoy each other’s company and be entertained by the students with our annual play(s).
Open House: Parents marvel and are excited to view so many of the projects and work of their children.
Science Fair: The students show off their experiments and prowess to the amazed visiting parents.
Easter Egg Hunt & Scavenger Hunt: Parents enjoy helping to hide the eggs for the younger students in the egg hunt and the clues for the scavenger hunt.
Bunny Hop/Turkey Trot: These are fun fundraisers both the children and the parents love to participate in. We did the Bunny Hop this year and the Turkey Trot last year where children earn money for their physical endeavors.
Mother’s Tea: Mothers get totally pampered during the pre-Mother’s Day High Tea.
Students make all the dishes from the hors d’oeuvres to the desserts as well as serve them to the mothers. Mothers are also presented with handmade gifts and flowers.
Father’s Tee: The fathers need to physically prepare for the awesome games that ensue between the children and the fathers. It’s always a toss up as to who wins!